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Creating an Understanding of the Rubric

What is your current view, and current understandings of rubrics?

 Write these understandings down, and describe what experinces you have had using rubrics.  

 Save this reflection to compare with any new learnings you may gain from the information shared here.

How will use rubics in your classroom? 

Do you have a solid understanding of the 5 point rubric and how it is intended to be used?

What is a rubric?

"A rubric is a coherant set of criteria for student's work that includes description of levels of performance quality on the criteria" (Brookhart 2013).

Rubrics have two major aspects: 

1. coherant sets of criteria

2. description of levels of performance for these criteria.

Rubrics can be used to evaulate and judge as designed for our assessment rubric used in Sun West School Division.

What is the purpose of a rubric?

Rubrics are useful for certain purposes and mostly used to assess performance. Rubrics provide structure for both the teacher and student. Rubrics can be used to provide feedback in both learning and in teaching. "Judgements without descriptions stop action in a classroom" (Brookhart 2013)

Assessment scoring schemes are created to communicate learning and achievement on individual criteria or learning outcomes or learning goals.

 Within our division a 5-point scoring scheme is used for grades 1-9 and percentages are used in grades 10-12. 

Below is a video that shares the intent behind the 5 point rubric scoring scheme. 

These images below show how teachers use the rubric in the classroom as a visual, a reminder of what we are striving for. This rubric along with the target learning outcome posted with examplars provide a solid road map of where learning is headed.


The students have many opportunites to show what they know in a variety of ways. 

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